Since the last post, we wrapped up the school year, finished t-ball (with a heartbreaking and frustrating final game for Ian), prepared for an international trip, went on said international trip, visited family and several hamburger joints in Texas, participated in a summer reading group (Ian loved The Secret Garden), took six weeks of swim lessons (Ian and Lily are now swimmers!), went to a couple parties and dental appointments (they have so much in common, don't they? favors, tasty treats, lectures about oral hygiene...), had a few sleepovers, created a complex homeschool schedule, celebrated Quincy's fourth birthday, and started soccer.
See? One run-on sentence later (at least all parts of the sentence are in agreement) and you're all caught up. I guess I really only have to post quarterly. Okay, okay, I'll try to get back to twice-weekly posts. And in case I don't, have a great holiday season!