Monday, March 23, 2009

Chewy Mama?

I just read a list of attributes of crunchy moms and I thought I'd figure out where I am on the crunchy spectrum.

Birth without medication? Once, but it was by accident.
Breastfeed? Yup, but I weaned around a year.
Co-sleep? Sure, for the first few months, then get out of my bed.
Babywearing? Does the Bjorn count?
Cloth Diapers? No way.
Recycle? When it's convenient.
Grow a garden? We're getting there.
Spank? No.
Circumcise? No.
Medicate? In moderation.
Immunize? Most definitely.
Long hair? When I'm too lazy to cut my hair.
Wear make-up? Rarely.
Organic? Nope.
Homeschool? Yep.

So there it is. On the crunchy spectrum, I think I'm chewy. I'll take chewy. It's moderate, but not kooky (I've been kooky). And the best kind of cookies are chewy.

1 comment:

  1. I think I might be chewy too. But for a whole different set of answers.

    Birth without medication? NEVER!
    Breastfeed? yes, but no longer than 18 months
    Co-sleep? only when I fall asleep
    Babywearing? not my chunky babies
    Cloth Diapers? No way.
    Recycle? When it's convenient.
    Grow a garden? do cherry tomatoes count?
    Spank? yes
    Circumcise? yes
    Medicate? rarely
    Immunize? Most definitely.
    Long hair? short hair
    Wear make-up? Rarely.
    Organic? yes
    Homeschool? no
